ANS Performance - Vitamin D3 Spray, 30ml

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ANS Performance - Vitamin D3 Spray, 30ml

Brand - ANS Performance
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Quick Description

Don’t spend enough time in the sun? Don’t panic. ANS Performance Vitamin D3 Spray is a tasty way to get all your vitamin D3 a day. Comes in a light orange flavour.

Key Information

  • Helps support healthy bones, brain and muscle function
  • For immune support
  • Helps absorption of electrolytes 
  • Each bottle contains 230 doses/~33 weeks supply
  • Vitamin D3 naturally-derived from Lichen

Product Overview

Did you know that most people don’t get enough Vitamin D? In fact, up to 40% of U.S. adults are considered to have insufficient levels!

This incredible vitamin from the sun isn’t just important for normal body function, it also supports healthy muscle growth, a healthy brain, heart and lungs and maintains a healthy immune system.

Support your body with ANS Performance’s Vitamin D3 Spray. Coming in a deliciously light juicy orange flavour, just one spray a day is packed with 25mcg of bioactive Vitamin D3 that gets delivered straight into your system.

This family-friendly formula is naturally sourced from lichen. This unique plant species can be found in all sorts of terrains and is incredibly rich in Vitamin D3. Not only is it plant-based, but it’s also sustainable, eco-friendly and a cleaner alternative to other supplements on the market.

Directions of use

Take one spray a day. Directly spray into your mouth or under your tongue.


Each spray contains:

Vitamin(e) D3 (1000 IU/UI)
(Cholecalciferol/cholécalciférol) (25 mcg)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Olive Oil, Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT), Natural Orange Flavor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is lichen?

This keystone species serves as an essential food source to many species all over the world. It’s a complex species that has formed from a symbiotic partnership between a fungus and alga. No two are alike, and some look almost alien-like!

They can be found all over the world and survive in even the harshest environments - such as mountainsides, rocks and on the sides of trees. They come in all sorts of beautiful colours, forms and sizes, and although many liken lichens to moss, they aren’t plants. They’re rich in many nutrients and are a natural source of bioavailable Vitamin D3.

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