Vegan Jerky Guide - Why It Is a Better Option Than Beef?

Vegan Jerky Guide - Why It Is a Better Option Than Beef?

Jerky products have found their way all over the world. Starting from humble beginnings as a way to preserve meat before refrigeration, it has become a deeply adored snack. The salty, sometimes sweet, often peppery notes of jerky give a satisfying and delicious flavour experience every time.

Here at PlantX, we prefer vegan jerky. Non-Vegan jerky is often made from highly processed red meat. This can lead to an increased risk of heart disease and metabolic issues. The high level of sodium can lead to high cholesterol which can also contribute to cardiovascular issues that can be seriously harmful.

Plant-based beef jerky and vegan jerky have come on leaps and bounds in recent times. There is such an insanely delicious variety of vegan jerky products. They are now made from so many other bases than just meat replacements. We will highlight some of our favourite vegan jerky products and provide information on why they are better than meat-based jerkies!

Krave’s Vegan Beef Jerky

kraves plant based jerky

Vegan meat replacements contain a fraction of the saturated fats that animal meats do. The animals are often raised in conditions that can toxify the meat, a process that isn’t found on the ingredients list. The animals are often not allowed to lead happy lives which can contribute to toxins being present.

Vegan jerky is often made with many vegetables, legumes, and grains. You can see every single ingredient that is within the product. This transparency allows you to make decisions for yourself and see if it is right for you.

That being said, this vegan beef jerky from Krave is absolutely amazing. It is made from a pea protein base, making it naturally gluten-free. The seasoning is comprised of a variety of herbs and spices, with a big influence from gluten-free soy sauce and classic American BBQ spices.

This jerky has a fantastic texture that is meant to resemble plant-based beef jerky. It has an amazing, chewy consistency that has the perfect amount of bite. The flavour profile is simply next level and we couldn’t recommend it enough!

Also Read - The Ultimate Guide To Plant Based Meat

Munchrooms Mushroom Jerky

Munchrooms Mushroom Jerky

Mushrooms are having a real moment right now. It seems that every day more information comes out about how intelligent they are, and how eating them can help with so much of our brain’s activity. This is all fantastic news for us! We love eating mushrooms already so hearing that they have potential health benefits is an amazing bonus!

This jerky option is far richer in fibre than meat jerky. This counters the argument that it might have a low protein count. The high fibre count will make this jerky fill you up and keep you satiated when eaten. There is also 0 cholesterol in comparison to the high level of beef/meat jerky. This mushroom jerky is made with all-natural ingredients as well.

How to make jerky more incredible you ask? Simply add some of their amazing teriyaki seasonings for an umami-forward flavour profile. This jerky is sweet, tangy, salty, and delicious. If you’re more of a spicy fan, there is also an incredible chilli flavour we have on our website! Mushroom jerky is naturally low calorie and is high in flavour, what’s the downside?

Solely Jerky

Solely Jerky

Having an industry that completely relies on one ingredient to make it work is a difficult situation to be in. The price of vegan beef will have a devastating impact on the jerky industry which makes it difficult for jerky lovers to get their fix if inflation hits. Similarly, the vegan community has strong beliefs that animal products will inflate in price as our environmental crisis worsens.

This is why we believe that having jerky products that are made from a variety of products only makes the industry stronger! Solely Jerky is a company that does just that. They make vegan jerky products out of fruits and nuts to achieve an amazing, unique flavour profile with every single product.

This plant-based beef jerky is made from bananas and pecans. When thinking how to make vegan jerky you would not often think of bananas as a base! However, this jerky is absolutely fantastic. There is a delicious sweetness and deep flavour that is made up of only two ingredients!

We hope you have enjoyed this piece about the huge variety of vegan jerky products that the world has to offer. There are so many amazing flavour combinations to choose from, and we feel that they are even better than beef! The best vegan jerky in our opinion is vegan beef jerky. Have a look through our website for the best vegan jerky products.